Direct Connect FAQ
Direct Connect FAQ

FAQ | QuickBooks (Win) | QuickBooks (Mac) | Quicken (Win) | Quicken (Mac)
What is the difference between Web Connect (WC) and Direct Connect (DC)?
If you’ve set up Quicken or QuickBooks with your CPB account(s) before [DC launch date], you’re already using Web Connect. Web Connect supports downloading transactions from CPB Online Banking. Direct Connect takes it one step further. In addition to transactions, Direct Connect allows you to take advantage of more online banking features directly through your Quicken or QuickBooks application.
What online banking features does Direct Connect support?
Direct Connect supports transfers between your CPB accounts and allows you to set up and schedule Bill Payments. Please note that you will still need to add new Bill Pay payees through online banking.
To make transfers to other financial institutions or take advantage of features like Zelle, you can log into our online banking or download our mobile app.
How do I deauthorize a connected app like Quicken or QuickBooks from my account?
You can deauthorize an app like Quicken or QuickBooks at any time. Log into our online banking and select Profile and then “Connected Apps” in the menu. You should see a list of any apps you have previously authorized in the “Connected Apps” section. You can disconnect the app by pressing the trash can (delete) icon.
Can I use Direct Connect with QuickBooks or Quicken Online?
Direct Connect only applies to users using Quickbooks or Quicken software.
Am I required to switch from Web Connect to Direct Connect?
No, Central Pacific Bank supports both Web Connect and Direct Connect. If you want to take advantage of Direct Connect features, you can choose to switch at any time.
I switched to Direct Connect a while ago, but now I am getting an error. What's going on?
If you haven't used Direct Connect for 90 days, you are required to reauthorize the connection. Go to Profile > Connected Apps in your CPB Online Banking to see if the app is awaiting authorization. If so, authorize the app again, and you should be good to go. If this is not your issue, check out our support section.
How do I switch from Web Connect to Direct Connect?
We have guides to help you switch over to Direct Connect. Please make sure you select the guide based on your current program and operating system.
I am having difficulty using Direct Connect. Who do I contact for help?
If you are experiencing issues related to your QuickBooks or Quicken program, you can find support at the following links:
If you are having issues related to your accounts or online banking, or you are not sure, contact our Customer Service Center at 808-544-0500.