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Hoʻolauleʻa! Celebrating Life’s Milestones

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In this month’s edition of Ho’olaule’a, we shine the spotlight on the remarkable achievements of one of our valued employees, Chyn Yu, and her exceptional daughters, Ashley, Kayley and Chloe. Chyn’s dedication to her career, family, and local community exemplifies the true spirit of success and compassion.

Chyn, an inspiring super mom, has not only carved an impressive path in the IT industry but she has also played an integral role in empowering her three daughters and fostering their passion for technology and art. Balancing a full-time job as a senior systems analyst, Chyn goes above and beyond by actively supporting her daughters’ extracurricular activities, especially their involvement in robotics. As the only girls on their respective robotics team, their achievements are nothing short of extraordinary.

“I want to show my daughters that there are no limits to what they can learn and achieve,” says Chyn. “When it comes to robotics, it is so inspiring to see how smart these kids are. From designing the robots to trying hard and making them operate, their smiles when it all comes together is worth it.”

Chyn's second daughter, Kayley (center), participates in a VEX Robotics Competition.

The accomplishments of Chyn’s daughters extend beyond the realm of technology and robotics. Their artistic talents have earned them statewide recognition for their art projects, including first place for the State of Hawaii in the 2019 Doodle for Google Contest and first place in the 2023 Sew the Lei Poster Contest. Through their creativity, they have captivated audiences and made meaningful impact with their unique artwork. Chyn’s nurturing spirit and encouragement have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping their creative endeavors.

“I always tell my daughters that not every project will warrant recognition,” Chyn explains. “But if you are willing try and put in the effort, you will reap the rewards of your labor in the future.”

Chloe, Kayley, and Ashley pose with their parents next to Kayley's award winning Doodle for Google artwork.

The Yu daughters pose with Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi after Ashley (left) and Kayley (second to right) won the 2023 Sew the Lei Poster Contest.

Beyond supporting her daughters’ endeavors, Chyn’s commitment to giving back extends to the wider community. Recognizing the financial challenges faced by public schools, which all her daughters attend, she generously volunteers her time and expertise to assist these teams in need. By lending a helping hand, Chyn ensures that aspiring young minds have equal opportunities to explore their passion for robotics and STEM fields, regardless of financial constraints.

“It amazes me to see how creative these children are. But I also feel sad because the public schools struggle to have any funding at all for these sorts of programs,” Chyn says. “In order to have an operating robotics program, it really depends on the schools’ resources, both with available personnel and financial funding. A lot of afterschool time is needed. I would help the teachers chaperone the kids to the tournaments, as well as use my knowledge if the students have questions. I enjoy contributing to the public school system. I do it not just for my children, but for all the kids so they can have access to these kinds of programs. I want the schools to continue their robotics program, so if there is any help that I can provide, I do my best with volunteering my time.”

Kayley works on her robot for the VEX Robotics competition.

Chyn’s journey is one of resilience and global citizenship. Originally from Malaysia, she came to this country to pursue higher education. Ever grateful for the opportunities she received, Chyn now pays it forward by hosting international students participating in Hawaii Global Education Foundation study abroad programs, the nonprofit organization dedicated to providing global educational opportunities for students studying abroad in Hawaii. By providing a nurturing environment and guidance to these students, she helps them navigate the challenges of studying in a foreign country and fosters a sense of belonging.

Chyn’s remarkable achievements, both in her professional and personal life, are testament to her unwavering dedication and passion. Her commitment to her career, her daughters’ growth, and her community is truly extraordinary. Chyn exemplifies the spirit of a modern-day hero, embodying the values of hard work, compassion, and inclusivity.

“It’s a sacrifice, but one our family is willing to take on,” explains Chyn. “In our family, my husband dedicates most of his time to help transport our daughters around to their different activities. And I truly appreciate the flexibility CPB offers with hybrid and remote working so I can volunteer my personal time after work. I tell my daughters all the time how lucky they are.”

The Yu ohana.

At Central Pacific Bank, we take immense pride in having employees like Chyn, who continuously inspire us with their achievements and selflessness. We celebrate Chyn’s journey and the milestones she and her children have attained. Their collective accomplishments serve as a shining example to our entire community, inspiring others to reach for greatness and make a difference in their own unique ways.