
- Click the Download Application button
- Fill out the application (see Application Tips below)
- Print and sign the application
- Bring to any CPB branch
Note: For a PV Power Loan, please make sure you have your final purchase estimate from an approved contractor done prior to applying for the loan.
Applying for a Consumer Loan at CPB has never been easier.
Now that you have read about Central Pacific Bank’s consumer loan product offerings, and understand the importance of your FICO score, you are ready to apply for your loan.
Applying for a consumer loan is a simple process. Whether it is for a line of credit or a term loan, it all starts with the application. Central Pacific Bank’s Consumer Loan Application is a simple form designed to gather the basic information needed to consider your request.
Application Tips:
Section 1: Indicate the amount and type of consumer loan that you desire. You also have the option of signing up for automatic payment from a CPB checking or savings account.
Section 2: Provide basic information about yourself. If there is a co-applicant, be sure to complete the top part of this section and provide the co-applicant’s information.
Section 3: Provide a personal reference.
Section 4: Carefully read the Application Agreement, then print your name and sign and date the application. Again if there is a co-applicant, they will also need to read the agreement, print their name and sign and date the application.
That is it. All you have to do now is drop off your completed application, along with any needed documentation, to your nearest branch. Required documentation, as described on the application, includes:
- For requests up to $10,000: generally no additional documentation is required
- For requests over $10,000: copies of your pay stubs (last two pay periods); if you are self-employed or wish to also include rental income, then copies of your Federal Income Tax Returns (last two years)
- For requests over $25,000: copies of your pay stubs (last two pay periods) AND copies of your Federal Income Tax Returns (last two years).
Additionally, for PV Power Loan requests, you will also need to provide a copy of the final purchase estimate from an approved contractor.
Once you drop off your application at the branch, our underwriting department will pull a credit report for all applicants listed on the application. The information on your credit report, including the FICO score, along with the income information you provided will be used to determine the outcome of your request. If we need additional information or clarification, you will be contacted. If you are interested in finding out where your FICO score may fall, click here.
More questions? Contact your nearest branch for assistance.